February 22, 2021 Dear Friends,

I realize that some of you, my friends, still don't think there is a pandemic, and some of you think there is one but that it's not really serious, and some of you think the vaccine is a hoax by Anthony Fauci and a connection he has to some pharmaceutical company, and some of you think that the vaccines are real, but not effective, and some of you think other things I can't remember right now.

I don't want to insult anyone's beliefs. But for the rest of us who have seen first hand its deadly effects on loved ones and trust the judgment of the vast majority of infectious disease specialists around the world (not just Dr. Fauci), I encourage you to at least ACT like you believe it and honor our beliefs. Don't laugh at us, or jeer at us or call us names or send us nasty tweets,or Facebook posts or protest us. We don't deserve that.

Even if you don't believe in anything about the pandemic, please honor the integrity of those who do by following the CDC guidelines: use masks, hand sanitizers, social distancing and vaccines. It is not a major imposition. Your freedoms will not be taken away. It will not be the start of a socialist takeover of the world (a claim I have heard more than once). These practices are just safety precautions taken by people who trust the scientists and want to stay healthy. It's not bad people trying to hurt you or rob you of your first Amendment rights. I promise.



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