Bread for the World

Call your members of Congress today and tell them to protect anti-hunger programs.

Call 1-800-826-3688  
Just a couple of weeks into her first pregnancy, Amanda Bornfree learned that her husband had lost his job. She was scared. Amanda wondered how she would get the nutritious food that would allow her baby to grow and thrive. After visiting a clinic in her community and signing up for WIC, Amanda was able to set aside her worries and focus on preparing for the arrival of her child.
If automatic spending cuts are allowed to go forward in a few days as scheduled,roughly 600,000 infants, children, and expectant moms will be without the vital assistance that helped Amanda and her baby. WIC, international food aid, clean water programs, and other essential programs are at risk.
President Obama talked about these potentially devastating across-the-board cuts during last night’s State of the Union address. The cuts, referred to as the sequester, could disrupt all of our lives, but hungry and poor people, both at home and abroad, would suffer the most. Lives are at stake, so we must use our collective voice to fight these cuts.
We need your help! Call your Senators and Representative today! Use our toll-free number, 1-800-826-3688. 
Tell them that cutting programs that effectively combat hunger and poverty will not solve our country’s fiscal problems.
Tell your members of Congress to take a balanced, comprehensive approach to deficit reduction. Urge them to work on and vote for legislation that
  1. Protects anti-hunger programs and
  2. Balances cuts with revenues.
Make sure hungry and poor people are provided for in our nation’s budget. This is a critical step toward ensuring a place at the table for all.
A movement is underway. Call Congress today and join Bread for the World's primary legislative campaign for the year, our 2013 Offering of Letters, "A Place at the Table."
David Beckmann
President, Bread for the World

©2012 Bread for the World · 425 3rd Street SW, Suite 1200 · Washington, DC 20024 · USA
Tel. 202-639-9400 · 800-822-7323 · Fax 202-639-9401

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